Same-Sex Marriages
Recent polls show surprising increased support
Taylor Alison
Published by the Harrison Daily Times:
For the first time, polls are showing increased support from Americans for same-sex marriages. November elections will prove what side America is on. The comparison between polls and votes are dramatically different.
Gay marriage has been a hot issue for politicians and religious groups over the past couple of years. TV shows have been more open about same-sex attraction acceptance. Religious groups are seeking explainations from their church authorities.
Is it possible to stay true to your religion if you support same-sex marriages? This is the real questions that has many boggled.
According to an article on the CNN Belief Blog, the new southern baptist leader, Fred Luter Jr., openly stated his opposing views of same-sex marriage.
“I’m a man of the book,” he said. “I believe in the word of God. I believe in the Bible, and God has spoken about marriage. Marriage is between a man and a woman... no one can change that,” he said.
Luter believes that the congregation can still love everybody, even those in the gay community and embrace them for who they are.
A former Roman Catholic priest, Jim Smith, said he left his post with the church for many reasons including the church’s stance against same-sex marriage and other LGBT issues.

According to Paul Hartman, a Presbyterian elder, said religious embrace is helping fuel support for gay marriage. He believes this is the civil rights issue of the 21st century.
“Episcopalian, Lutheran and Presbyterian denominations have overturned centuries of tradition in welcoming openly gay clergy,” Hartman said.
Reverend John Darnall from First United Methodist church of Harrison said that [same-sex marriage] is incompatible with Christian teaching.
“I do believe we are called to minister in Christ’s love to everyone,” Darnall said. “We are to open our hearts to them even if we don’t agree with what they are doing.”
Interim pastor Jane Huffstetler from First Presbyterian in Harrison believes that [the church] is as divided as the rest of the world.
“There are some who are supportive and welcoming,” Huffstetler said. “There are others who are hesitant. We don’t close our doors. I recognize that we are the body of Christ.”
“I recognize that I am enought of a sinner that I cannot point fingers at anyone,” she said. “None of us deserve it. We trust God’s spirit to lead.”
Other religions such as Buddhsim and Hinduism do not have an official position on the issue. Whereas, Islam forbids homosexuality and acts of homosexuality.
Currently there are eight states that allow gay marriages: Washington, Iowa, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York. Eleven states allow civil unions and domestic partnerships. California recognizes same-sex marriages and Maryland recognizes out-of-state marriages.
In May, president Barack Obama announced his support for same-sex marriages. He was the first president, this election, to announce his support. Obama believes that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated equally and fairly. It did not take long for his campaign to launch their line of pro-LGBT t-shirts and bumper stickers, including baby onesies that say “my two dads/moms support Obama”.
During the New York City Pride Parade on Sunday, a group marched with a banner with “New York is Proud of Obama” in large white letters.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney believes that marriage should be a traditional union between a man and a woman. It is more than a personally rewarding social custom. is being petitioned to change its definition of the word marriage. New Hampshire resident, Mike Raven, believes that the definition should be “two consenting adults, entering into a life-long relationship as husband and wife, husband and husband, or wife and wife, based on love and commitment.”
The current definition is “A. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.” and “B. A similar institution involving partners of the same gender: gay marriage.”
Same-sex marriage is another controversial issue that many simply agree to disagree on. The polls will continue to change but what matters in the end are the votes.