Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Baby, I was born this way

The growth of homosexuality in today’s society is higher than it has ever been. Along with its growth, its appearance has become increasingly accepted in our culture. They are showing the world that they aren’t afraid of who they are.
I believe that we should accept people for who they are. We are to show them Christ’s unconditional love. It is not our duty to change them or make their life decisions for them.
Eight states and Washington D.C. support gay marriages and California recognizes out of state marriages. According to the 2010 Census, there were 131,729 same-sex married couple households and 514,735 same-sex unmarried households.
This past year, the military lifted the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy lifted the military’s ability to discriminate against gays from being in the military. Gays are now allowed to openly serve in the ranks.
Television shows, like Glee and Pretty Little Liars, have increasingly made it aware that being gay or lesbian is acceptable. The shows have couples that are in same-sex relationships and they show the process of coming out and the reactions of the parents and peers. Glee addresses the issues of teen suicide, bullies, and domestic violence.
These are just two of the shows that have paved the way for the turning point of the next generation’s acceptance. Every generation tries a little harder to push the boundaries and see what they can do to stand out more.
Generation-Y (the current generation of college age students) is seeking ways to stand out and be different. Advertising is targeted to making people feel unique in their purchasing habits.
By rejecting this way of life, we are rejecting people. They are people too! Homosexual teenagers suicide rates are at 36.5% according to statistics on Youth Pride, Inc. “Whether life’s disabilities left you outcast, bullied or teased. Rejoice and love yourself today ‘cause baby, you were born this way,” is what Lady Gaga had to say in her song Born This Way.
I believe that you should feel free to be who you are without judgment. I may not agree with what your lifestyle is like, but that is not my decision, it is the individual’s choice.
A famous quote by Liz Feldman said “It’s very dear to me, the issue of gay marriage. Or, as I like to call it: ‘Marriage.’ You know, because I had lunch this afternoon, not gay lunch. I parked my car, I didn’t gay park it.”
I believe that this embodies the issue at hand. Homosexuals don’t say heterosexuals. They are not another species. We all need to learn to respect each other and get over small issues and look at the big picture.
We are all the same. Take the time to get to know the people who are around you. Don’t simply judge on appearance, beliefs, or differences. These are the things that make us beautiful.